Thursday, August 6, 2015

UnBEElievable Focus

       The sun just came up and your alarm is buzzing. You have to get up and go to work. Your life depends on it. You haven’t had enough sleep but you need to get your work done. Who knows what will happen if you fail to get it done. The entire system will fall apart and it will all be your fault. Well, not really, but that is what you think. Stop getting distracted. You go to get your assignment and get distracted. Oh look its Alondra. Gotta be smooth, “Hey Alondra um crazy weekend right?” No reply. I guess maybe she did not hear me. Oh wait I have to go work! Now you are stuck thinking about what went wrong and cannot focus. You open your laptop and see an ad that looks like it will help you out.
Do you lack the focus to get through your five day nine? Are you having difficulty completing your assignments or even sitting still? Ask your doctor if Adderall is right for you! You will be up and about in no time. All your work will be done and you will lose that Monday morning feeling. Warning, side effects include but are not limited to moderate insomnia, dizziness, restlessness, headaches, erectile dysfunction, and in some cases the user may get focused on the wrong item or activity.
This is essentially the way Adderall use is expanding. People are hearing about the advanced benefits. However, they are not hearing about all the negative aspects of the drug. If you go into any college one of the first drugs you will hear about is Adderall. Students talk about it all the time. Many college students take the drug to study for their finals. This might sound like the ideal drug, especially if It can make an individual have complete focus on the task at hand. However, it is not that simple. Trent Wolbe, in his essay, “How I Hacked My Brain with Adderall: A Cautionary Tale,” writes about the dark side of Adderall and the behind the scenes that people do not hear about until they are already hooked on the drug.
Adderall is indeed helpful when it comes to completing tasks or maintaining focus. However, ironically tis focus can cause distractions in other parts of your life. “I had promised myself for years that I would learn After Effects as soon as I had the free time; the chemical wave pushed me through an especially potent laziness that has always kept me from becoming the motion graphics expert I knew I wanted to be” (Wolbe). Adderall not only distracted him from his passion but ultimately the drug made him regretful about his decisions.
Adderall may help with ADHD and similar problems but it is also highly addicting. “Just as Merck used to manufacture the best cocaine on the entire planet, Shire now produces the most reliable amphetamine money can buy. And it's good shit, so good that it sits with opium and cocaine on the USA’s List of Schedule II Controlled substances” (Wolbe). Now if a drug is being put in comparison with highly addictive drugs such as opium and cocaine, we have a problem. This is basically saying that if someone uses the drug only for studying or something like a simple task, they might think there is no harm being done. However, what they do not know is that they are becoming more and more addicted each passing day. This will reach a point where the person will not be able to turn back and quit so easily.
Now remember that bee in the beginning? Let us put him on Adderall. That is just such an insane idea that it makes you think. The bee will be more productive than ever. However, he will have no time for anything else. His schedule would be eat, work, sleep. He would not have time for his crush, he would not enjoy his free time and he will just get more and more addicted to this. Being on Adderall is like being one of those people with no social life. Their life is revolved around work and they do not want any distractions not even their loved ones. The more you learn about Adderall, the more you dislike it. At first glance it seems perfect, but there is a huge disclaimer that comes with this illusion of perfection.
Why would anyone want to be a robot? Yes, you might end up being more productive, but you lose so much of what makes you human. You might feel powerful, but you are not the one that sees all that is wrong with you. Once addicted to Adderall you turn into a gas guzzling truck. You just want more and more and without the drug you just feel stuck and unable to be productive.
Adderall is a drug that deals with the brain and many of these types of drugs are not beneficial to the body. They can usually cause more harm than good. However, this extreme focus is not always helpful. Think about it, if you are focused on one aspect, you are missing so much more and the complete focus on one aspect will hurt other aspects. Malcolm Gladwell really goes deeper into the way people behave in stressful situations. The focus on one aspect such as looking for light on the ground can cause a loss of focus to other instruments in the plane and cause a fatal crash. This Is the exact fate of Kennedy in Gladwell’s, “The Art of Failure.”
Gladwell talks about how stressful and anxiety building events can lead to panic or choking, as it is used in sports terms. Usually both are seen as one in the same. However, the truth is they both have certain conditionals that set them apart. Having pure focus on one element while the other elements cause your downfall is the result of panic. On the other hand, losing all your skills due to the pressure put on by an event is the result of choking in that key event.

Human beings sometimes falter under pressure. Pilots crash and divers drown. Under the glare of competition, basketball players cannot find the basket and golfers cannot find the pin. When that happens, we say variously that people have “panicked” or, to use the sports colloquialism, “choked.” But what do those words mean? Both are pejoratives. To choke or panic is considered to be as bad as to quit. But are all forms of failure equal? (Gladwell)

Gladwell really makes the reader think. These are questions that everyone does not think about on a regular basis. So to see them just gets the mind churning. I am sure everyone agrees that pressure is a horrible thing. Even though, there are people that excel under pressure, most people do not. Most people fail to achieve the task at hand and end up embarrassing themselves.
Gladwell sets up the essay in a way that draws in complete focus. See good writing can be just as good as Adderall. Gladwell also explains his answers very thoroughly in a way where choking and panicking are easily distinguished. “Under conditions of stress, however, the explicit system sometimes takes over. That’s what it means to choke. When Jana Novotna faltered at Wimbledon, it was because she began thinking about her shots again. She lost her fluidity, her touch” (Gladwell)
Choking causes more focus on a specific aspect which is normally done without thinking. This throws all the fluidity of a person’s movements off and causes a failure in the same movements efficiency. Gladwell uses a diving example in which the person cannot breathe through one of her breathing tubes.
“Right away, my hand reached out for my partner’s air supply, as if I was going to rip it out. It was without thought. It was a physiological response. My eyes are seeing my hand do something irresponsible. I’m fighting with myself. Don’t do it. Then I searched my mind for what I could do. And nothing came to mind. All I could remember was one thing: If you can’t take care of yourself, let your buddy take care of you. I let my hand fall back to my side, and I just stood there.”
This is a textbook example of panic. In that moment, Morphew stopped thinking. She forgot that she had another source of air, one that worked perfectly well and that, moments before, she had taken out of her mouth. She forgot that her partner had a working air supply as well, which could easily be shared, and she forgot that grabbing her partner’s regulator would imperil both of them. (Gladwell)
Panic is a failure to assess the situation and perform or resort to an action or reaction that is irrational and could cause yourself, as well as those around you, harm.
Both panic and choking result in failure. Panic causes a loss of focus and a loss of the ability to think through a situation smartly. Choking causes focus on a specific element and the loss of focus on the task at hand. Instead of trying to win the game, the person is now trying to hit the ball as hard as they can with their racquet.
Our little bee friend just cannot win. If we put him on Adderall, he ends up with no social life and loses his crush all together. He also loses his “beeness” and is essentially just a machine. Let’s say he never uses the drug, he just comes up to her he panics and makes himself look like an idiot and is not as efficient because he is constantly distracted. However, lets say he gets on Adderall and then after a while gets rid of the addiction, he will be a new bee. He will be the ideal bee and will have more of a sense of balance. He will be more focused but will have time for other activities. However, this hypothesis is based on the Wolbe’s experience (I am not saying Adderall is good, or promoting its use…just saying).

Monday, August 3, 2015

Focus (on Drugs) (draft1)

The sun just came up and your alarm is buzzing. You have to get up and go work. Your life depends on it. You haven’t had enough sleep but you need to get your work done. Who knows what will happen if you do not get your work done. The entire system will fall apart. Well, at least you think so. You have to focus on your job. Stop getting distracted. Go get your assignment and… oh look its Alondra. Gotta be smooth, “Hey Alondra um crazy weekend right?” No reply. I guess maybe she did not hear me. Oh Wait I have to go work!
            Do you lack the focus to get through your five day nine? Are you having difficulty completing your assignments or even sitting still? Ask your doctor if Adderall is right for you! You will be up and about in no time. All your work will be done and you will lose that Monday morning feeling. Warning, side effects include but are not limited to moderate insomnia, dizziness, restlessness, headaches, erectile dysfunction, and in some cases the user may get focused on the wrong item or activity.
            If you go into any college one of the first drugs you will hear about is Adderall. Students talk about it all the time. Many college students take the drug to study for their finals. This might sound like the ideal drug, especially if It can make an individual have complete focus on the task at hand. However, it is not that simple. Trent Wolbe, in his essay, “How I Hacked My Brain with Adderall: A Cautionary Tale,” writes about the dark side of Adderall and the behind the scenes that people do not hear about until they are already hooked on the drug.
Adderall is indeed helpful when it comes to completing tasks or maintaining focus. However, ironically tis focus can cause distractions in other parts of your life. “I had promised myself for years that I would learn After Effects as soon as I had the free time; the chemical wave pushed me through an especially potent laziness that has always kept me from becoming the motion graphics expert I knew I wanted to be” (Wolbe). Adderall not only distracted him from his passion but ultimately the drug made him regretful about his decisions.
            Adderall may help with ADHD and similar problems but it is also highly addicting. “Just as Merck used to manufacture the best cocaine on the entire planet, Shire now produces the most reliable amphetamine money can buy. And it's good shit, so good that it sits with opium and cocaine on the USA’s List of Schedule II Controlled substances” (Wolbe). Now if a drug is being put in comparison with highly addictive drugs such as opium and cocaine, we have a problem. This is basically saying that if someone uses the drug only for studying or something like a simple task, they might think there is no harm being done. However, what they do not know is that they are becoming more and more addicted each passing day. This will reach a point where the person will not be able to turn back and quit so easily.
            Now remember that bee in the beginning? Let us put him on Adderall. That is just such an insane idea that it makes you think. The bee will be more productive than ever. However, he will have no time for anything else. His schedule would be eat, work, sleep. He would not have time for his crush, he would not enjoy his free time and he will just get more and more addicted to this. Being on Adderall is like being one of those people with no social life. Their life is revolved around work and they do not want any distractions not even their loved ones. The more you learn about Adderall, the more you dislike it. At first glance it seems perfect, but there is a huge disclaimer that comes with this illusion of perfection.
Adderall is a drug that deals with the brain and many of these types of drugs are not beneficial to the body. They can usually cause more harm than good. However, this extreme focus is not always helpful. Think about it, if you are focused on one aspect, you are missing so much more and the complete focus on one aspect will hurt other aspects. Malcolm Gladwell really goes deeper into the way people behave in stressful situations. The focus on one aspect such as looking for light on the ground can cause a loss of focus to other instruments in the plane and cause a fatal crash. This Is the exact fate of Kennedy in Gladwell’s, “The Art of Failure.”
Gladwell talks about how stressful and anxiety building events can lead to panic or choking, as it is used in sports terms. Usually both are seen as one in the same. However, the truth is they both have certain conditionals that set them apart. Having pure focus on one element while the other elements cause your downfall is the result of panic. On the other hand, losing all your skills due to the pressure put on by an event is the result of choking in that key event.
Human beings sometimes falter under pressure. Pilots crash and divers drown. Under the glare of competition, basketball players cannot find the basket and golfers cannot find the pin. When that happens, we say variously that people have “panicked” or, to use the sports colloquialism, “choked.” But what do those words mean? Both are pejoratives. To choke or panic is considered to be as bad as to quit. But are all forms of failure equal? (Gladwell)
Gladwell really makes the reader think. These are questions that everyone does not think about on a regular basis. So to see them just gets the mind churning. I am sure everyone agrees that pressure is a horrible thing. Even though, there are people that excel under pressure, most people do not. Most people fail to achieve the task at hand and end up embarrassing themselves.
            Gladwell sets up the essay in a way that draws in complete focus. See good writing can be just as good as Adderall. Gladwell also explains his answers very thoroughly in a way where choking and panicking are easily distinguished. Under conditions of stress, however, the explicit system sometimes takes over. That’s what it means to choke. When Jana Novotna faltered at Wimbledon, it was because she began thinking about her shots again. She lost her fluidity, her touch” (Gladwell)
            Choking causes more focus on a specific aspect which is normally done without thinking. This throws all the fluidity of a person’s movements off and causes a failure in the same movements efficiency. Gladwell uses a diving example in which the person cannot breathe through one of her breathing tubes.
“Right away, my hand reached out for my partner’s air supply, as if I was going to rip it out. It was without thought. It was a physiological response. My eyes are seeing my hand do something irresponsible. I’m fighting with myself. Don’t do it. Then I searched my mind for what I could do. And nothing came to mind. All I could remember was one thing: If you can’t take care of yourself, let your buddy take care of you. I let my hand fall back to my side, and I just stood there.”
This is a textbook example of panic. In that moment, Morphew stopped thinking. She forgot that she had another source of air, one that worked perfectly well and that, moments before, she had taken out of her mouth. She forgot that her partner had a working air supply as well, which could easily be shared, and she forgot that grabbing her partner’s regulator would imperil both of them. (Gladwell)
Panic is a failure to assess the situation and perform or resort to an action or reaction that is irrational and could cause yourself, as well as those around you, harm.
            Both panic and choking result in failure. Panic causes a loss of focus and a loss of the ability to think through a situation smartly. Choking causes focus on a specific element and the loss of focus on the task at hand. Instead of trying to win the game, the person is now trying to hit the ball as hard as they can with their racquet.
            Our little bee friend just cannot win. If he is on Adderall, he has no social life and loses his crush all together and if he just comes up to her he panics and makes himself look like an idiot. However, lets say he gets on Adderall and then after a while gets rid of the addiction, he will be a new bee. He’ll be more focused but will have time for other activities. This is just the experience of Wolbe, but it sure would help out this bee. (Im not saying Adderall is good, or promoting its use…just saying).

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Progression: Essay 2

“‘Bees are to hives as neurons are to brains,’ says Jeffrey Schall, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Neurons use some of the same tricks honeybees use to come to decisions. A single visual neuron is like a single scout” (Zimmer). This visual is actually very powerful. Think of the hive as a brain. Our brains function all day every day until the day we die. Now if we think of a hive and the brain being the same or similar that is a marvelous feat for the hive. The hive is now a self-running system that is nearly flawless in all its ways. 

I felt like this was one of the most important quotes in the essay because it kind of tied all my ideas together. The main focus was of building a connection and this comparison between a brain and the system was a very strong comparison. The one thing that I really need to work on is transitions. I have transitions but they are not powerful and sound forced. I also am going to challenge myself to be more descriptive. The two texts that I would use for my second essay are “The Art of Failure” by Malcolm Gladwell and “How I Hacked My Brain with Adderall: A Cautionary Tale” by Trent Wolbe. I chose these because they deal with having a specific focus or lack of focus. I can use the first essay as a counterclaim or just further support for my original claim, which was a need for a central focus. The text I would use from essay one would be "The Secret Life of Bees" by Carl Zimmer. This is because that is the main focus of my moment of exhilaration.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Clarity in Chaos

"The Art of Failure" by Malcolm Gladwell

"What happened to Kennedy that night illustrates a second major difference between panicking and choking. Panicking is conventional failure, of the sort we tacitly understand. Kennedy panicked because he didn’t know enough about instrument flying. If he’d had another year in the air, he might not have panicked, and that fits with what we believe–that performance ought to improve with experience, and that pressure is an obstacle that the diligent can overcome."

"When it was all over, Faldo wrapped his arms around Norman. 'I don’t know what to say–I just want to give you a hug,' he whispered, and then he said the only thing you can say to a choker: “I feel horrible about what happened. I’m so sorry.” With that, the two men began to cry."

"How I Hacked My Brain with Adderall: a Cautionary Tale" by Trent Wolbe

"After three months on Adderall, in one of the monthly phone check-ins with my clinic, I mentioned that the drug’s effects had diminished significantly, and got my monthly dose doubled (just in case this message was lost on you, I'll make it clear: amphetamines are extraordinarily addictive)." 

"As a freelancing work-from-home type it is often difficult to motivate oneself to follow through on project ideas, especially when they come fast and furious at all hours of the day."

There is always a drawback to drugs that claim to improve a person’s mental state. Whether that be physical limitations or just something really negative. Like for Adderall there is a risk of erectile dysfunction. The individual gets so focused on something that he cannot even focus on something that is not all about work and he can’t get hard. Pretty sad. The bridge between the two essays is the idea of focus. Adderall causes a person to focus on just one thing and causes people to effectively work on that task. Similarly, as Malcolm Gladwell states, panicking also causes an individual to focus on one specific thing. Both narrow your focus but limit other aspects. This is the reason that Kennedy Jr. ended up crashing. He was not focused on looking at the instruments and instead focused predominantly on looking for a light source on the vineyard. 

I found the comparison between panicking and choking to be really eye catching. I always believed they were the same thing. I often used them interchangeably but after reading the essay the difference is clear. Panicking causes a focus on one aspect and causes the person to forget all their other skills or just avoid using them. On the other hand, chocking causes a person to focus more on their skills and that messes everything up. If a movement is natural and you begin to focus on it then it comes out a little bit off. This sounds confusing. So for example when you are breathing, it comes naturally. You do not need to specifically tell your brain, “Hey lets breath now.” It just happens. Now if you and control your breath you will see that is is difficult to keep it at a certain pace or even put it back too a resting rate. This is the example I thought about when the tennis example was presented to me. The choking of the tennis player may have come from her focus on her arm movements. Since this all came naturally to her, now that she was focusing on it she kept messing up. 

The movie scene just kind of showed the opposite of Adderall. Adderall causes increased focus and the movie showed a loss of focus and increased clutter. However, the movie showed that by forgetting a difficult moment or event, you can better focus on other things. The movie relates to “The Art of Failure” because the movie scene is similar to the panic scene where you forget what you’re doing and there is just a sense of chaos.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Love is Evil Backwards (Evol)

"Liking is for Cowards" by Jonathan Franzen

"To go through a life painlessly is to have not lived"

"And love, as I’ve been trying to say today, is where our troubles begin."

"1)    Sooner or later, for example, you’re going to find yourself in a hideous, screaming fight, and you’ll hear coming out of your mouth things that you yourself don’t like at all, things that shatter your self-image as a fair, kind, cool, attractive, in-control, funny, likable person. Something realer than likability has come out in you, and suddenly you’re having an actual life."

"The Wedding Toast I'll Never Give" by Ada Calhoun

"In Zen Buddhism, meditation helps practitioners detach from the cycle of desire and suffering."

" I love this person, and yet she’s such a mess. And yet when I’m sick, he’s not very nurturing. And yet we don’t want the same number of children. And yet I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be single again."

Love is about sacrifice. Love is not like but it is love. It is its own thing. Basically if you are feeling attached to something so much that this somethings pain becomes your pain, then you are probably in love. The first thing you need is a passion, something only you enjoy. You have to enjoy this so much that it is a part of you. When someone thinks of you, they should think of that thing. If Joe loves painting and Mary loves Joe, then It would be right to assume Joe equals painting. When thinking of Joe the idea of painting should come up. Similarly, when Mary's name comes up the first words I would say to her would be, "Hey Mary, how's Joe ;)." To love is to feel pain just as much as to love is to live. If a person does not feel any pain in their life they are not living, rather they are avoiding it. Also, if you have never lived then you have never loved. This is confusing but if you love then you feel pain and if you feel pain then you are living. To like something is to conform to something. People say love is evil but truly liking is evil. Society has manipulated the word like to being something a person needs to have. If society likes brand names then you most likely will too. Liking forces you to change to look better in front of others. Loving on the other had causes you to merge into what you are passionate about. In other words love causes you to change for yourself and like makes you change to impress others and make yourself likable to society's standards. When the better option is to make society allow you to create your own standards. 
To learn to love and enjoy life is not difficult at all. The only real steps are to find something you are passionate about and really enjoy doing. Next you do or try to pursue whatever it is that interests you. It is that simple. Why waste your time liking something when you can just go straight ahead and love it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Final Essay

Bees are the Key
Walking into the school’s lab on this Wednesday morning was different. Today felt different. There was a sense of accomplishment. The underclassmen opened up the kits and began working on their robots. Who would have thought this day would ever come? The seniors and a couple of us juniors sighed a huge sigh of relief. We were finally done with our first step and now we can get to the fun part.
You wake up one day and the world is running just the way it should, but better. Everyone is working towards something and everyone is satisfied with the world. Are we in a utopia? No we are actually in a beehive. Change is the key to the future and surprisingly this key is held by our little black and yellow friends.
How many times has there been a time in your life where you felt like something was not done the right or proper way? Now how many times did you do something about it? The answer to that is somewhere near zero unless you are the next Martin Luther King Jr. or the next Gandhi. Creating change is not that easy, but raising awareness and taking the first steps towards this new future is not very difficult. All you have to do is believe in your idea and get others to support you. If an idea is good enough you will always gain followers and supporters.
Carl Zimmer, the author of “The Secret Life of Bees,” would definitely agree with this statement. Zimmer focuses on a study conducted on bees to show the way in which they work. Usually when we think of bees we think of a chaotic scene. However, this is not the case. Bees are actually more systematic than we may have thought. All bees work towards a singular goal. They all want the hive to survive and the Queen to keep living. This unity really helps the hive prosper and continue to grow and spread. Bees also share ideas with one another, such as moving the hive to a better location. If this location is truly better, more bees will join in and get the entire hive to move.
This mentality is almost identical to the one I mentioned above. Where believing in your idea and if the idea is good, the followers will grow and the idea will eventually come to life. It is the little steps that make a difference and in the bee’s case, the bees are those little steps. They split themselves up to do different tasks. Some are in charge of going to flowers, others are constantly looking for better hive locations, and the list goes on.
In my life I have encountered many situations where I felt change was needed. However, in a majority of those situations I never did anything about it. I just let my day go by and hoped that maybe someone would bring it up or that someone would stand up against whatever it was that needed to be stopped and fixed. But for one of a select few times I stood up for something. This was during my junior year of high school. Me, along with a few friends of mine and some seniors were able to start a robotics club in the school. We were able to get the school to create separate funding for our club and in a way forced the club into the school’s environment. While this was not a massive step, it was still a step for me. Not only was I able to let my voice be heard but we also forced a club into existence after quite a few people before us failed to do the same thing.
While my experience was nothing major, these rules or ideas for creating change can be seen in the biggest movements. One specific movement would be the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. Matt Taibbi, in his essay “How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the OWS Protests,” writes about there being a sense of beauty in fighting for what is right. Taibbi mentions how at first even he did not like or care about the movement. To be completely honest, neither did I. Taibbi writes, “You could put 50,000 angry protesters on Wall Street, 100,000 even, and Lloyd Blankfein is probably not going to break a sweat. He knows he's not going to wake up tomorrow and see Cornel West or Richard Trumka running the Federal Reserve.” There are a lot of references in this quote but the essential meaning is that protesters usually go unnoticed. Taibbi is saying that this is how he initially felt and I used to feel the same way. I kept hearing about it but just pushed it off to the side. I did not realize that something that to me felt had little to no impact, was so large that we still feel its impact today. The events of Wall Street are what led to the horrific financial situation of the United States in the last few years. Taibbi also questioned what the movement was even for. The reason Taibbi said the movement was important and had a certain beauty to it was that there was a need for change. The protestors were all there to make change. Although they cannot keep protesting forever, the protestors can go into better way to advocate for change and actually change the system by starting a non-profit.
The protesters are like the scouts from the beehive. They go out looking for a problem and fight to finish it. Although the protesters do not really have a set goal they will eventually come up with one. The scouts are looking for answers as to where they can find a good place to migrate to. The protesters are looking for answers to their political and economical problems. “‘Bees are to hives as neurons are to brains,’ says Jeffrey Schall, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Neurons use some of the same tricks honeybees use to come to decisions. A single visual neuron is like a single scout” (Zimmer). This visual is actually very powerful. Think of the hive as a brain. Our brains function all day every day until the day we die. Now if we think of a hive and the brain being the same or similar that is a marvelous feat for the hive. The hive is now a self-running system that is nearly flawless in all its ways.
If humans were to run their democratic system the way bees run their hive, this sounds cheesy but the world or at least our country would be a better place.
One of the strengths of honeybees is that they share the same goal: finding a new home. People who come together in a democracy, however, may have competing interests. Seeley advises that people should be made to feel that they are part of the decision-making group, so that their debates don’t become about destroying the enemy, but about finding a solution for everyone. “That sense of belonging can be nurtured,” Seeley said. The more we fashion our democracies after honeybees, Seeley argues, the better off we’ll be. (Zimmer)
This seamlessly relates to the protests. protesting requires a group effort and if not everyone is sharing the same goal then the protest is pointless and doomed to fail. I believe this was the reason the group before was unable to start robotics club. The physics teacher told me that the group who failed was not always on the same page. The good thing about the group I was a part of was that we were all very open to new ideas. We all did have different goals but he were able to work together to create one single goal of at least starting the program and getting underclassmen interested in order to keep the club running. The other part of our goal was funding and we were able to take care of that a well.
A connection between bees and the Occupy Wall Street movement seems unlikely. However, the connection in made in the teamwork and sharing of a goal. Walking into the room that day felt really great. We succeeded in something others had failed to do. We set up a self running system whose only resource is people. Robotics club is still going on today and our teachers are thankful that the club had even started.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Reverse Outline

Reverse Outline

introduces and shows the comparison
Bees are very effective in creating a social system and we should learn from them.
Utopia, change

connects to the reader and creates a mentality for change
How you ever wanted to make a difference; well just believe in your idea.
creating change, believe, raising awareness.
introduces the secret life of bees
Bees are actually the way to go in terms of a democratic model.
systematic, singular goal, unity
connects the bees with the mentality in 2nd sentence
Both the bees and the idea for creating change follow the same path.
little steps, difference
bring in my own ideas
I created a change in my robotics class.
stood up, change was needed
relate my experience to OWS movement
The OWS movement was never clear to me but Taibbi talks about how the movement is more than just Wall Street.
beauty, movement, questioned, important
connect both essays to each other
The way the bee scouts look for positive change is what makes them similar to the protestors.
looking for answers, problems, set goal